Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 6: Creating Masks

October 31, 2009

Since it is Halloween, we will decorate, and cut out some pre-printed (or create our own) masks. There will be animals, Kathakali style, Indian lady or guy, animals, butterflies... It will be fun to see how the creations look in the end!

Materials needed:
Markers/crayons/colored pencils
hole punch

Really great resource!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 5: Rangoli

Date: OctobBolder 10, 2009
Lesson Title: Rangoli
Subject: Art

Activities and lesson notes:
After a short discussion
- of the traditional art of rangoli in India (when, where and by whom—and have they ever seen it or know someone who does it?)
- asking to keep the artwork to display at the 10/24 Diwali celebration (no class next week)
- reminding to handle chalk carefully or it will break and to work left to right and top to bottom so as not to smudge (reverse for lefties)...

We will create our own rangoli, in a slightly non-traditional way. We'll use pressed chalk sticks and black construction paper for our designs, and map them out before hand with pencil on paper with a grid of dots.

Materials needed:
white paper with gridwork of dots
black construction paper with gridwork of dots
cleanup bin
music (of course)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Week 4: Portrait Drawing

Date: October 3, 2009
Lesson Title: Portrait Drawing-- Model: Mahatma Gandhi
Subject: Art

Activities and lesson notes:
In honor of Gandhi Jayanti, we'll try our hand at producing portraits using gridwork to guide our strokes, and using pen and ink drawings of Gandhiji for our model


Materials needed:
Blank gridwork sheets
pen and ink printouts of Gandhi's image with gridwork superimposed
crayons as desired
background music (always better to draw with music)